Humanity ...

Publié le par Your.mountains



Parce qu'il est important de ne pas oublier

qui nous sommes et ce que nous sommes en train de faire ...


"I want to write your name

on all the walls i'm climbing,

i want to shout your name

on all the summits i'm reaching.

Do you know what it means

to have this painfull feeling ?


Paralized of fears

crawling on my knees, just bleeding.

Can you speak to me now,

or is it to the walls i'm speaking ?

Can you just look at me now,

or do you hide your feelings ?


Can you hear my song, 

between all the noïse you're screaming ?

Can you feel you're wrong,

or is it just a way you're building ?

I want to write your name

even in the dust you're creating.




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